Disclaimer – please read

IMPORTANT – Please Read My Disclaimer:

I write and speak from personal experience with mental illness, I am not a Doctor or medical professional and I do not offer medical guidance or recommendations. I mention strategies and complimentary therapies which I have used (use) alongside prescribed medication from my doctor. What works for me, may not work for you and under NO circumstances, at any time, do I suggest that you stop or change the dose of your prescribed medications or do ANYTHING different in your mental health management regime without FIRST discussing with your Doctor.

My ethos is non-denominational, any interpretations and insights are my personal truth, based on my experiences, and drawing from the wisdom of ancient and traditional belief systems worldwide, together with modern medical and scientific research. It is NEVER my intention to direct or influence another person’s choices and beliefs in any way or form and I simply ask that you approach my writings and teachings with an open mind, drawing from them what you will.

If you are STRUGGLING with your mental health or feel you are NOT COPING in any way at all, I urge you to PLEASE talk to someone you trust or seek advice from your doctor. Reaching out for help is very strong, brave and courageous and I admire you for it.

-Linda Gillan